Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Label Whore

I am proud to report that reading labels for nutritional facts and ingredient lists is becoming a habit. I am still learning what they mean and on which information to focus, but I am already reaping the rewards.  A cookie isn't appetizing when the ingredients are a long list of words I don't know and can barely pronounce.  I've made cookies and my recipe is quite different than the ingredient lists I've been reading.  Cereal is another example. My coach told me to only eat cereals with more than 5 grams of fiber and less than 10 grams of sugar per serving. I found 3 cereals that met these criteria. How sad is that? Only three! (FYI, Uncle Sam Cereal gets a pass and it is delicious.)

Stay tuned for details on label reading.  I must now go to sleep because I am very, very tired.  I'd like to close by pointing out how clever my title is.  Introducing a different kind of label whore...

“Don't judge a book by its cover.” American Proverb

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