Monday, November 30, 2009

I Am Not Giving Up

It's been a while, but I am back.  I think I've regained everything I lost, but I won't know for sure because I refuse to get on the scale -- I don't want to know.  It's fine.  I am actually not upset that I reverted to my old ways.  Ah, who am I kidding?  I obviously am a bit upset, frustrated, disappointed; however, I am not angry with myself, I do not feel guilty, and I am not beating myself up.

I have hope that I can still change my lifestyle and my relationship with food and that I can permanently lose 10 pounds.  It is just won't be easy.  There aren't going to be any tricks and no magic or voodoo is going to make it easy.  It is going to require hard work, discipline, and time. 

I am beginning to accept that permanent change will require being mindful of everything that I put into my mouth 100% of the time.  No eating while doing something else, no eating without writing it down, no grabbing just a handful or a bite here or there.  It all just adds up too quickly.

My goals for this week are simple:  (1) eat mindfully 100% of the time (2) write down everything I eat/drink (3) exercise.

"I may not be there yet, but I'm closer than I was yesterday."  Author Unknown

1 comment:

  1. I found when giving up smoking I picked up weight, even though I am a Vegan there are many ways to do that....crisps, dark dairy-free chocolate and cashew nuts for instance (bad in excess).

    The only thing I found that helped until I got my weight to where I was happy again is I generally bought my groceries from the local supermarket online so I bought what I need not what I see and suddenly crave. Plus I am amazed how much my food bill decreased that way.
